Your door, your first impession
Composed entirely from massive wood, Belfa wooden doors have incredibly rich model options. All wooden door models are designed to carry the aura of the massive wood to the accomodations it is used in.
In addition to the broad spectrum of models of our wooden doors in comparison with hollow-panel and MDF produced doors; we have the highly attractive visages of fringes and crowns, also composed of massive wood; a difference which can not be replicated by our competitors.
In these pictures you can see our current wooden door models and their corresponding codes. It is possible to change the wooden navels in these pictures with glass, or for the glass to be changed with wooden navels, within standart production. When using glass, a demand of stained glass applications is considered within the special production framework.
Two models in our gallery; a circular-theme with divided navels and jibs and a model which has geometrically shaped little pieces that carriy traces from Turkish wood architecture, are the fruits of an incredible design endeavour. Our models which involve wavy wooden doors with circular motion that are perpendicular to the facade; are a first in wood design that we incorporated.