Extraordinary Quality
Windows And Doors For Life
Tough concept of quality and naturalness…
Wooden Window and Door systems for life with an understanding that colors your life…
The life of wooden windows, like anything on earth - even people - shows great variety depending on circumstances. Yet, in order to give an idea, we can quote that 80 to 100 years of lifetime is considered for wooden construction components in architectural literature. However, it should be born in mind that some of the historical works around us still preserve wooden structural elements such as doors and windows made many centuries ago.
Burglars do not like wooden windows. It is not easy to cut wood as PVC or to separate a wooden sash from its frame. To overcome this weakness, uPVC window manufacturers develop complicated mechanisms. However, wooden windows are "naturally" secure.
It is not a myth but a scientific fact that, use of wood in human environment instead of its synthetic alternatives is better for human health. The benefits of solid wood when compared to synthetic materials such as PVC and MDF can be listed as follows;
Of course the synthetic window and door manufacturers! Seriously speaking, wood, as one of the oldest construction materials, is subject to various types of decays by external factors such as extreme humidity, heat and salt since it is a biological material. These come beyond its perfect properties such as ease of processing, lightness, strength, acoustic, thermal and electrical insulation. Various protective measures that will be applied to wood protect it against these external factors. Wood also has many biologic enemies; fungi, bacteria and insects. Some of these cause total destruction of the wood and some only cause cosmetic deformation. At first glance, these properties may seem bad. However, consider that trees growing in the forests never vanish! Wood is a material "that can be naturally recycled". It has no "residual waste". When desired, you can apply to it the design and technology that will keep it alive forever or you can burn it or leave to degrading.