The best protection from the sun
Belfa wooden and aluminium shutters provide the best and the most decorative protection in any weather condition and noise environment. It will be an indicator of your attention to outer image as well as an extra heat insulator. They can be produced in any suitable colour and measure. When small details come together, the main composition is completed; for some it’s the shutter that makes a window pretty. As Belfa, we produce problem-free advanced shutter systems from massive wood. Our shutters can function as protection from sun and other dangers as well as adding an aesthetic value to the vision of the facade. We provide the best-looking shutter by supplying, motorized or non-motorized if necessary, the demanded colour and material according to the measurements of your project.
Massive wooden shutter wings have a workmanship and quality that can even be used as raw. Apart from window and door; wings can also be used for various purposes such as dressing room doors, radiator door, paravan, cupboard lid, partition walls.
Massive wooden shutter wings have a workmanship and quality that can even be used as raw. Apart from window and door; wings can also be used for various purposes such as dressing room doors, radiator door, paravan, cupboard lid, partition walls.
During summer, they prevent the rays of the sun from damaging the furniture and fabrics, at the same time allowing some amount of light and air to enter the room, thereby helping with illumination and air-conditioning problems. When dark colours are preferred, it is possible to reflect approximately 85% of light by closing the wings.
During winter, closing the shutters provide extra isolation against cold and air flows thereby preventing heat loss. Shutters mounted to windows and doors also add to the security and protects the accomodations from curious eyes and bad intentions. They are also good insulators for noise.
Inner shutters are also pretty ornamentsfoor the inner spaces as window furniture.